He Can!

Ephesians 3:14-21

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It can be difficult or even impossible to believe that God has good in store for us when we are facing a loss, setback, disappointment, or crisis. How can He help me through this? When I am broken and there are no human resources to assist, can I genuinely believe God is with me and that He knows and will make this situation beautiful? Will it really turn out for my good and His Glory? Yes.

The bible makes it clear that not only is God aware of your circumstance, but He is with you in it and will see you through it. The more difficult, the more painful, the greater His glory and increasing of our faith. My friend Candice shared her painful loss of her newborn son and the thoughts that she and her husband would never have another child. However, God in His goodness blessed them with another child, a daughter. Her story is our story; recount an experience where you were in crisis, how did God comfort you? How did He deliver you to a better place? How was He glorified in that situation?

When I look at my life’s disappointments loss of my father and brother, a failed engagement, health issues, financial crises, and career failures I can become downcast or encouraged. Knowing God through each of life’s challenges leads me to be encouraged; 1) I know He is with me Psalm 139 7-10, 2 ) I Know He is in control Hebrews 1:3, 3) I know He feels my suffering Ps 147:5, 4) I know that even in this He will be glorified and I will know Him better. So, in our changing circumstances let us make the choice to trust Him, cling to Him, and most important expect Him to more than you ask or think. His word tells us He can!


Everything For His Glory