Relinquishing Control

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. “ 1 Peter 5:6-7

As I continue reading in 1 Peter it is evident at the end of this chapter that God is the only One in control. The author in verse 11 states “To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. The word dominion means the power or right of governing and controlling, sovereign authority. So why should I think I can control anything, yet I do it often. God is constantly showing me that I need to let go of the circumstances. I realize no matter how hard I try, maneuver, or plan; my human effort are no match for the One true God. So here I go rest, relax, breathe and trust in the One I know who controls it all.

So many times I feel like my life is being tossed about in the wind. Changes occur that I didn’t plan for and this is unnerving for someone who likes order, lists, and clarity. God never says that when we accept Jesus as Savior that He will share every detail of what will happen next. He does command us to walk in obedience, confident of His guidance and Sovereignty. And here is where He builds our faith stronger and stronger trusting in His inability to fail. This is a point of excitement and peace. We can rest in His plan, knowing it will be right. The Bible says “The path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Psalms 4:18

So what should we do in uncertainty, hardship, trials? Take it to Him in prayer believing in his Sovereignty and leave the matter there. Easier said than done for eyes that have seen our own deficiency, but it is not up to us to accomplish on our own. Hallelujah! Christ has already provided that accomplishment! Be encouraged to look to the God who is in control, hears us call, and blesses us with His best. Let’s trade our worry for peace, fear for faith, and doubt for confidence in God’s control over every part of life today. Tell Him “it’s out of my hands!”

James 5:13-16 “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray…The effective fervent pray of a righteous man avails much.”

Let’s Dance and


If Not For Jesus


Loving the Lord