The Power of God’s Word

“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which i sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

Hebrews 11: 3 tells us that God spoke the universe into existence. John 1 explains that the Word has always been in existence and in fact that the Word is God. The passage continues to confirm that the Word became flesh in the person of Jesus. Ephesians 1:13 gives us the blessing that when we trust Jesus to save us from our sins we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. We can depend on God’s word through all that life brings because his word is settled in Heaven Psalm 119:89. We are encouraged to run to the word for our hope, comfort, peace, joy, love and life. As we read the word and meditate upon it we experience God and His love for us that is unchanging. We can as Revelations 21 says look forward to the day when God makes all things new for the rest of eternity.

I am so grateful to You Heavenly Father for the Word you have given us. I bless your name!

For further reading: Genesis 1, Romans 1:16, John 6:63, Matthew 24:35, Psalm 119:85

Dance at




Lifted Out of Brokenness